There were twelve (12) World Cup stadiums for the 2014 FIFA World Cup tournamentin Brazil. Seven of the 12 World Cup Stadiums were built ahead of the tournament, while the other five World Cup Stadiums were renovated in time for the tournament.


The Estadio do Maracana in Rio de Janeiro had the most capacity out of all the 12 World Cup Stadiums for the tournament in Brazil. The match venue has a capacity of 74, 738. EstadioNacional ManeGarrincha had the second most capacity outside the Maracana with a capacity of 69, 432 and it was a new stadium unlike the Maracana that was renovated before the tournament started in the summer of 2014.

Arena de Sao Paulo in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo was one of the seven new World Cup Stadiums for the 2014 FIFA World Cup tournament and it had the third most capacity. Arena de Sao Paulo has a capacity of 63, 321. The fourth most capacity goes to EstadioCastelaoin Fortaleza and the renovated match venue has a capacity of 60, 348.

The EstadioMineirao in Belo Horizonte has the fifth most capacity and it’s a renovated match venue with the capacity of 58, 259. Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador is sixth on the list with a capacity of 51, 708 and it’s a new stadium. Estadio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre is also a renovated stadium and with the seventh most capacity (43, 394). Arena Pernambuco in Recife is a new stadium with a capacity of 42, 583.

The match venue with the ninth most capacity is Arena Pantanal in Cuiaba with a capacity of 41, 112 and it’s a new stadium. Arena da Amazoniain Manaus has the tenth most capacity and it’s a new stadium with a capacity of 40, 549.The new Arena das Dunas in Natal is the second least in terms of capacity (39, 971), while the renovated Arena da Baixada in Curitiba has the least capacity (39, 631).

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